Centennial School

Student Record Requests

Request Details

Welcome to the Centennial School SRRS System

The purpose of this system is to allow you to request electronic student records from AD District in a secure online environment.

Here’s how:

Step 1 - Sign Up

Once you have created your account, you will be able to request student records from ony of AD District’s 5 Schools. Already signed up? Great! Skip to step two!

Step 2 - Submit a Request

Once you have logged in, click on “New Request”. Enter the required information (student’s name, date of birth, ASN, etc) and click submit.

Your request is then sent to the school, and they will collect the needed files.

Step 3 - Wait Patiently

The SRRS administrator from Centennial School will need a little time to gather your files. While you wait, you can…[insert witty ideas here]

Step 4 - Download Files

Once Centennial School has collected all the required files, you will receive an email notification letting you know it’s time to download the files. Click on the link in your email, or visit centennialschool-ca.webguide-forschools.ca/srrs to view and download your files.

It’s that easy! Get started today!